We are a shoe free classroom to keep our floors clean and safe for our little ones. Socks are not required, but recommended :)
There is no food or drink permitted inside our classrooms with the exception of bottles for infants. Please help in keeping our classrooms clean!
Remember, this time is an investment in your child! :-) Talking during class to your neighbor not only disrupts others learning but our little ones are watching us and are modeling the behavior that they see. I know its so tempting to take your focus off of your little one to have that conversation with the mom next to you, but I want to encourage you guys to keep modeling singing and participation. I encourage each of you to take advantage of the ball time before class begins to chat with your fellow moms or plan to meet up at one of the nearby playgrounds that are close by each of our locations after class for the kids to let out those joyous playful screams and run and wrestle to their hearts desire. And to correspondingly take the opportunity to work with your little ones during class on following directions (age appropriate expectations of course) Please help me in these efforts to make our classes a safe and fun environment for everyone to grow and learn :) Your little one is truly going to benefit from you remaining focused on and being fully engaged with them the entire class :-)
Also a friendly reminder that our classes are about making special memories with your little ones and helping them grow musically, linguistically, socially etc. We want to avoid issues of extremely rowdy classes with little ones wrestling during class, running around the room screaming and kids left unsupervised :) While we do recognize that there are so many different learning styles as well as some kiddos with special needs in our classes and we understand that some kiddos learn through movement of their bodies, these types of behaviors can be overwhelming to others and disruptive of others learning in the class. A child who needs to quietly walk around the room while we are all sitting is fine, but a child running around screaming loudly and wrestling with other children or hitting others is unsafe, causes a disruption and prevents others from being able to learn. We invite you to step outside of class if your child needs a moment with you to work through some emotions and return to class when they are ready.