Health Policy
-Do not attend class if you or your child is feeling sick, has had a fever within the last 24 hours, rashes, colored discharge from the nose, excessive coughing, any communicable disease, or recent exposure to any communicable disease, including Covid-19. Extra classes will be scheduled to ensure everyone gets plenty of chances to makeup classes.
-In addition to hand and nose wiping, we ask that you keep a careful eye on instruments or props that go in your child's mouth. Perfectly fine to taste but we want to make sure it gets cleaned properly! Please ensure any "tasted" items end up in the provided "slime bucket" for focused cleaning. All items are washed and sprayed.
-We provide tissues, wipes and hand sanitizer-please use them!
-Classes are a SHOE FREE zone to ensure no little hands or feet are stepped on and to keep our classroom area as clean as possible for exploration. If there is no carpet in your class space please remove your child's socks as well to prevent slipping.