Has Grandma ever asked what she can get for your little one? Have a friend with a new baby who you want to give the gift of music?
Sound Start Gift Certificates Are A Great Choice!
A short form on our registration pages allows you to enter the recipient's email address, a message, and the value of the gift. The recipient will receive an email with your name, message and a code they can use at any time to redeem your gift.
To purchase a Gift Certificate:
Already have an account on our TMC Registration pages? Make sure you're logged in, and then click here.
Don't have an account on our TMC registration pages yet? After clicking on the "sign up" link below, follow the instructions to search for Sound Start - Nashville, then enter your email address and create a password.
After creating your account, click on the link on the right that says "Buy a gift certificate", as shown below.

To purchase a gift certificate you must have an account on file at the center where the recipient will take class. If you have an account at a different center, call 770-645-5578 for assistance.