Steffi Miller

Steffi Miller

Steffi earned her BA Emory University Psychology/French. She was active in Musical Theater since high school. She started Music Class in early 1995 and both she and her daughter were hooked! Both her children took Pups/Cats/Keyboard I/Keyboard II and Steffi has been teaching for TMC for over 20 years!
Favorite TMC Moment
All the “aha” moments when parents first see for themselves that their children have been learning. So many it is hard to narrow down to one! I love the exquisite joy when parents see the payoff for the work they put in outside of class.
TMC song that's always stuck in your head
"Lizard Blues" from The Frog Collection
When I'm not making music, I'm...
With friends/family/food, I exercise only enough to stay healthy and strong

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