Crieve Hall (Outdoor)
Ellington Ag Center
440 Hogan Road
Nashville, TN 37220
United States
Our Ellington Ag Center classes meet in the large grassy area near the Moss Administration building under the big shade trees.
Families should bring a blanket to sit on and a small assortment of instruments for their family to share. We recommend small shakers, bells, quiet drums, or other small percussion instruments. Homemade instruments are welcome! For ideas, see our Amazon list.
Our outdoor classes will not meet if temperatures are below 32° F or above 90° F, it is raining, there is a tornado watch, or if roads are hazardous. We will reschedule two "rain" dates for each outdoor class. Once we've utilized those dates, any additional outdoor classes will meet online during inclement weather. Inclement weather cancellations are communicated via email (and online class links will also be shared via email). In inclement weather, please check email before heading to your outdoor class. If we do not have your cell number listed, please update your profile online or call the office.
Our Ellington Ag Center classes meet in the large grassy area near the Moss Administration building under the big shade trees. Parking by the brick archway is ideal.
- Spring 2025
Classes Available for Spring 2025 - Open
This spring, we are offering a variety of class options featuring The Music Class' Pony Collection of music and activities! Spring classes will begin March 1-7 and meet for 10 weeks of class. No classes will meet from March 10-15 (Spring Break), April 14 (Passover), and April 19 (Easter Saturday). Spring registration begins on Monday, January 27th.
Before enrolling, double check the individual class descriptions and please read our policies page. Your registration is your agreement to abide by our policies and class requirements. We provide the option of joining a wait list for classes that are full. We also reserve the right to cancel classes with insufficient enrollment. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to text or call us at 615-777-9314 or email us at We look forward to seeing you in class!

Fun filled classes of singing, dancing, movement and instrument play. Parents learn how to enrich their child's music environment, increase music potential and understand music development.
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