Children attend with their caregivers.
In August, 2023 we changed the name of our "Music Pups" program to "The Music Class" (a.k.a. "TMC").
The Music Class®
Mixed Age Classes for Infants up Through 4-Year-Olds

Fun-filled classes of singing, dancing, movement, and instrument play, all designed to stimulate musical learning! Your whole family will have a blast in class and at home with TMC’s award-winning recordings and songbooks. Mixed-age classes are developmentally appropriate and allow siblings to enjoy class together. TMC classes meet once a week for 45 minutes, in 10-week sessions (session lengths and class times may vary) and TMC’s library of 12 song collections allows your family to enjoy class for three years with all new music each session.
Why should I attend The Music Class?
Early Childhood is the Optimal Time for Learning Music!
There’s no easier time to develop pitch and rhythm skills than during the first years of life. Nurturing music development in early childhood opens the door to a lifetime of understanding and enjoyment of music and greater ease when learning to play an instrument.
Immersion is the Best Strategy for Learning Music!
Children learn music the same way they learn a language - through immersion. In each class parents and caregivers learn playful ways to make music and movement a part of their daily lives. Award-winning recordings and songbooks are provided that turn music time in the car and at home into learning time.
Exposure to a Large Musical Vocabulary is Essential!
Playful and interactive songs are included in a wide variety of scales, meters, and musical styles from around the world. Each element of musical vocabulary they hear now expands their musical horizons.
Benefits of Music Education go far Beyond Music!
The research is in. Music helps stimulate brain development like nothing else – improving social skills, self-control, and brain plasticity. But perhaps more important than all of this, is the joy families receive from the special parent/child bonding time The Music Class provides.