Frequently Asked Questions

What makes The Music Class different from other children's music programs? 

Our goal is to provide every child with the best quality music education available, and we know that children will naturally gain many other benefits along the way! This is something that many other early childhood music education programs miss out on. The Music Class students experience the same social-emotional development, language acquisition, sensory awareness, fine motor skills, and cognitive behavioral benefits as other programs. However, at The Music Class, they gain all these skills in addition to thorough pitch and rhythm development and a comprehensive musical understanding using our excellent music library. Our goal is to help all children enjoy and appreciate music for the rest of their lives. 

We know that children learn music through repetition and immersion, which is why every family receives recorded music when they enroll in a TMC program. Parent-child classes include super fun and engaging activities with each song that parents can replicate at home. In Preschool classes, families can bond with their children by singing and dancing along to the music at home even though they are not there in the classroom with their children. 

How old should my child be before starting The Music Class? 

There is a large body of research that suggests the younger a child is, the more they are learning. Even though a baby cannot run, clap, or sing in class, their brain is developing at a faster rate than the brains of the big kids. Additionally, research suggests that during the second 6 months of life, the brain is already prioritizing: discarding the neural information pathways not stimulated by its environment. So the best possible time to start The Music Class is when your child is a baby!

Another way to think of this is by comparing learning music with learning to speak. Parents intuitively understand that it is important to speak to their baby from day one for their baby to eventually learn how to speak. This is often less intuitive in music, even though a child’s music development operates in the same way. Of course, with music, your baby cannot show you how much they are learning right away, just like they can not speak right away. Be patient! As teachers, we see time and time again that the children who start Music Class at the youngest age are the quickest to blossom into singing, dancing, and creative toddlers! 

What program is right for my child? 

Our parent-child classes are divided up into several categories. Find a class with your local center

Infants - 4 years: The Music Class. Our most popular mixed-age program is ideal for single-child families and families with multiple siblings who can attend class together. Expect to sing, dance, play instruments, and have a blast! 

Pre-Walkers: The Music Class Infants. This is an infant-only class, for babies who have not started walking yet. This is a great opportunity for new parents to explore music-making with their new babies. 

4 - 5 years: The Music Class Big Kids. This “big kids” class expands on our Music Pups classes by providing more challenging and age-appropriate activities for 4 to 5-year-olds. This class prepares children for keyboard and other instrument lessons. 

5 - 7 years: The Music Class Keyboard 1. Beginner group keyboard lessons designed to set a strong musical framework! Students begin by learning to play by ear, then branch into learning musical notation! Parents attend with their children in group classes of up to 8 students. 

6 - 8 years: The Music Class Keyboard 2. In Atlanta, children who complete Keyboard 1 are eligible to continue building on their musical foundation, and take part in a truly unique song-writing project in which Mr. Rob helps each child write and record their own composition!

Preschool: The Music Class Schools. This program takes place in your child’s school, without parents present. Our program is designed for classroom teachers to easily integrate the MusiCanopy curriculum into their school day. 

Can I try The Music Class for free? 

Yes! TMC headquarters in Atlanta is currently offering free in-person class observations for new families. Each local center has its own policies for free in-person class observations, so CLICK HERE to find your local center’s options!

Mr. Rob, the founder and director of The Music Class, is also offering free virtual demo classes every month! These free classes are open to everyone, everywhere! CLICK HERE to join!

What if there isn’t a Music Class location near me?

If you have used our class finder to determine that there is no TMC center near you, you are welcome to join an online class from anywhere! Or, you can join our TMC team and start your own Music Class center in your city!

How do I teach The Music Class? Can I open a TMC center in my city?  

Yes! We would love for you to teach The Music Class in your city! We offer extensive training and support for new centers and are committed to helping you succeed. 

Can I teach The Music Class in my preschool? 

Yes! We would love to have you bring The Music Class to your school! The Music Class’s preschool curriculum is specifically designed to support the learning outcomes of different age groups and is easy to integrate into your school day.